9 hour slow roasted pork shoulder, served with homemade coleslaw and pitta bread

Above you can see the colossal pork shoulder sold to us by our friend Gerry down at Granger Market. He assumed we were another couple of students trying to recreate one of Jamie Oliver’s recipes. Usually we are, but this time we were inspired by the Fabulous Baker Brothers on Channel 4. I think this has to be the winner of all dinners cooked in our flat this year…


For the pork and marinade:

  • 1 pork shoulder
  • Fresh rosemary and thyme
  • Garlic (1 whole bulb)
  • Runny Honey (2tbsp)
  • American pale ale (1x330ml bottle)
  • Lea and Perrins (2tbsp)
  • Smoked paprika (2tsp)
  • Salt and pepper

For the coleslaw:

  • 1 x White cabbage
  • 1 pot of Good quality mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp x Wholegrain mustard
  • 1 x Onion
  • And plenty of pitta bread to serve

There actually are not many steps for this, just time is needed.

  1. Put all the ingredients for the marinade into a bowl and rub it all over the pork. Leave overnight.
  2. The next morning (approximately 8.5 or 9 hours before your dinner party) turn the oven on 240 degrees C. Put the pork in uncovered  for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes take it out and cover it in tin foil. Do this job properly because the meat will be even better if there are no holes in the foil.
  3. Put the pork back in the oven at 140 degrees C and leave for 9 hours.
  4. Chop up the ingredients for the coleslaw finely. Add the mayonnaise just before you are ready to serve to ensure it is still crunchy.
  5. When the time is up, shred the pork and serve. Cut up the pittas add some pork and some coleslaw and dribble over the liquid from the pan. A mix of sweet, smoky and rich flavours. Divine!!!

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